Wednesday, June 13, 2007

First Day

Today was Zoe's first day at daycare. She started going to a small school run by a woman named Agnes. Now, don't let this picture give you the wrong impression- this was taken when I came to pick her up. By this time, it had been 8 hours since she'd seen her mommy. 8 hours, and NO naps. That's a long day. When I dropped her off in the morning, she hit the ground running. She headed for a big wall of toys and never looked back. When I leaned down to kiss her goodbye, she shooed me away, "I'm busy". She never even saw me leave. She had a great time. Agnes says that she acted as if she'd been there forever. She says that Zoe is very independent. The other kids are really cute. They chase each other on tricycles, take turns on the slide, read books, play with toys, listen to music and have fun all day. It's a win-win for everyone.
The next day when we went back, she nearly lept out of my arms at the front door. She squealed with delight. One of the other kids came running over, "Zoe's back!"

1 comment:

Grammy said...

she looks so cute and SO TIRED! My heart breaks...but that's what its like at day care!