Friday, April 4, 2008

Getting to know you

Zoe is showing more interest in her little brother every day. She doesn't seem too bothered by any crying- in fact she runs off to bring him a binky, or his stuffed tiger, or offers him a sniff of her own soothing Mr. Bear. She watches his diaper changes with interest, pointing to his "poo-poom" (she actually points to his umbilical cord stub- that must be confusing).
She's taken a keener interest in swaddling her dolls or stuffed animals, and driving them around the house in her mini stroller. She also makes sure that every one is well burped.
As for actually touching her brother, she's not quite sure she's ready yet. But in a rare moment, she thought she would allow him to sit in her lap. When he was removed, she yelled, "more! more!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Zoe's getting closer and smiling -- maybe this little brother dude will be fun after all!