Monday, February 1, 2010


Tonight Julian and I went down to Jack London Square, to get out of the house and have a little together time. I had to run an errand at Cost Plus, which sits right next to the train tracks. You can park in the lot, then walk across the street to the water and see the huge cranes in the harbor lifting containers off and on the cargo ships. Then before you know it, the gates go down, bells jangling, lights flashing and you can hear the horn of the train in the distance. There's enough time to get a front row seat to watch the big train rumble by. Sometimes it's a freight train, sometimes it's Amtrack. Usually the conductor will wave to kids sitting on the sidewalk, huge eyes gleaming.

1 comment:

The Nanu-Nanus said...

You're sneaking in gems again! Good thing we're on to you and look for these.