Friday, April 23, 2010

On death; more car talk

Driving through Berkeley, from the backseat...
"Mommy, when someone kills a snake, what happens to the snake?"
"Well honey, it dies."
"What happens when it dies?"
Hmmm. This is a toughie.
"It's spirit leaves it's body behind, and the body doesn't move anymore. It's dead."
"How is it dead?"
"It's spirit has left, when it's heart stops. Everyone who is alive has a heart that beats and keeps the body going. Keeps the blood moving, and everything inside working, and when it stops the body can't keep going anymore and it dies, and the spirit of the creature leaves and never comes back."
"What is it's spirit?"
"It's the part that you know. You can't see it, like you can see their body. But you know it. It's what makes them act the way they do. It's what you like about them. The body is the part that you recognize and touch, but the spirit is what makes them who they are, and is the real life of the creature".
"Can we have tuna for lunch?"
Thank goodness she didn't ask where it goes.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Or, 'where did the tuna's spirit go?' You dodged one, for now !