Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mt. Diablo

It's Whim Wednesday! Our family adventure day. No school, no swim, no classes, no shopping- just a jaunt to wherever we feel like exploring.
I am usually drawn to the ocean, or the City, but today we headed Eastlike. Into the hills, or rather, up a mountain. Mt. Diablo is the highest peak for hundreds of miles, and the summit supposedly has one of the largest viewsheds in the world. From the top, I felt a little lost, like I couldn't find a direction- all my markers were so far away. The view was staggering. In mid spring, the drive up was just as amazing. Most of the grasses were still green and long, billowing in the breeze. Lupin and California poppies were everywhere. We entered through the Walnut Creek gate (N) then hit the summit a while later. We checked out each of the two campgrounds for future reference and had a lovely picnic. On a Wednesday, the park was nearly void of cars. There were more bicycles than cars for sure. We stopped at some other neat geological spots on our way to the Danville or South Gate. I look forward to spending more time on the grassy slopes of Mt. Diablo.


Grammy said...

Looks like a gorgeous day there, just like here. I love experiencing the Bay Area with you guys - Fairlight, you are so knowledgeable about all the cool places there are to explore together. What other four year old and two year old know about the Musee Mecanique? Last time, walking along the sea wall UNDER the GG Bridge was really a highlight. I always have so much fun when I am there. Miss you all!

Nana said...

Looks lovely!