Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Zoe's baby

Zoe has been into baby dolls lately. Even Bear has been taking a back seat to them.
Grammy has a baby doll for Zoe here in Vancuver, and Zoe looks forward to caring for her while we're here. She dresses her, soothes her crying, feeds her, takes her for walks and rides. To you it may look like shoving a stick in baby's mouth, but as Nico said, "In her eyes, she's feeding her a bottle", and by looking at Zoe's face, you can almost see the stick fade away, and the baby happily taking the milk.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Ohh, such a sweet and tender look she's giving her baby. And yes, I think it is apparent that she sees the stick as a bottle of milk.
Nene says she's digging out a moco.