Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Whim day stroll

Whim day may as well be renamed, "Moss Beach Day" because it is really our favorite place to run to when the weather is mild. It doesn't even have to be warm- in the mist, in the cold, in the fog, in the sun, but especially on a mild day in November, it is too perfect. We strolled through the forests of Monterey Pine and Eucalyptus, taking in salty marine air delivered on a warm breeze. We gazed into tidepools and collected treasures on the tideline. Gorgeous day indeed.


Nana said...

I think Zoe's beginning to enjoy her brother more and more--so good to see her hugging him and holding his hand.

Dianne Nagasaka said...

Okay, I loved loved loved those two pics! So cute.

Gamay said...

Sibling relationships are so interesting - hot, then cold - cold, then hot. And impossible to predict.