Sunday, April 24, 2011

Family Date Night

So we decided to have a family date night, and thought we'd skip the naps and catch a matinee movie after a romp in the park. And a morning swim at the Y. And a backyard Easter egg hunt.
So we drove into the City and saw Rio- it was a super fun movie with cute birdies, South American flava, and Samba dancing. Right up my ally. Julian even sat (or stood, and squirmed) through the movie. Afterwards, we went to one of our B.C. (before children) cafes for a dinner of savory crepes and sandwiches. I brought a bag of toys and books, and we found an empty corner for ourselves. Julian refused to eat such utterly strange and foreign food. So he played with his cars. Then a little toddler came walking over and wanted to play too while his daddy talked on the phone. Julian was so mad that mommy made him share one of his 3 trucks that he hucked the one still in his hand at the table crashing a glass of wine right out of daddy's hand onto the table of plates and silverware below. The look on his face was priceless. The Dude still needs his afternoon nap. Lesson learned.

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