Friday, May 6, 2011

Ted's Vancouver Tour for Boys

Every time we visit Vancouver, Ted has taken it upon himself to plan a special outing favoring Julian's preferences.
This time, Ted took us to a great viewing plaza near the convention center that overlooks the Burrard Inlet. From this location, up above the water and jutting out away from the city a bit, there is much to watch in the form of transportation. Julian loves ALL things transportation.
We saw a giant cruise ship docked at port. We saw cargo ships heading in and out. We saw helicopters. We saw sailboats, and ferry boats. But best of all, the real focus of our outing was to watch the seaplanes take off and land, right in front of us. Those things are like mosquitos- they are ALWAYS buzzing overhead. Coming and going to the many isolated little communities among the islands and fijords that fill the region. Most of them probably go over to Vancouver island. They each only hold a handful of passengers. Their "parking" marina was right next to our lookout perch, so we watched them motor out into the inlet, rev up their engines and take off into the sprinkling rain filled sky. A moment later, another one would circle above and land right in front of us, then motor over to the marina to park alongside the dock. Julian was mesmerized.
"Let's go, Jujie. It's starting to rain."
"No no! Wait! I want to watch him park da pane!"
And there we waited until the plane motored slowly to the dock, tied up, and killed the engine.

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