Saturday, July 26, 2008

2 blue stitches

Who is the biggest abuser of toddlers? The Coffeetable.
How many poor 1-2 year olds have been whacked on the head or chin by this insensitive brute? Zoe too has fallen victim to it's cold, hard edge. One wrong move and down she went, smack against her eyesocket (that's why we're built with eyesockets, precisely) and we were off to the E.R. at 9 PM on a Saturday. After waiting for 2.5 hours, the Dr. told us what we already knew- it's not serious, but if we want to avoid the possibility of a larger scar, we should get two stitches. So, Zoe cowgirled up, and took it like a man. No tears, no cries, just one black eye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a brave girl!
