Monday, January 3, 2011

Homeward Bound

Our last morning in Vancouver was a frosty one. But beautifully sunny. After many chilly days and frozen nights in a row, the ground was very crunchy this morning. The grass has been crunchy for a few days now, especially in shaded areas, and each day brings another layer of dew to freeze. The park across the street was very white and frosty this morning, and as the sun rose higher, a fog began to lift from it. It was really beautiful, this foggy frosty landscape with the bare trees. Grammy, Grampy Ted and Layla took Juju and Zoe across the street to run around while Nico and I gathered our belongings and packed bags. The flight south was lovely, clear all the way over the snowy mountains.


Grammy said...

I love this picture, with Zoe leading the way on her Skuut, me pushing Julian in the stroller, and Ted following with Layla the Airedale - little tiny people (and dog) in the mist.

The Mommy said...

Thanks! The Mommy was watching.